When incoming first-year student Taiga Kagami joins the Seirin High basketball team, he meets Tetsuya Kuroko, a mysterious boy who's plain beyond words. But Kagami's in for the shock of his life when he learns that the practically invisible Kuroko was once a member of "the Miracle Generation"-the undefeated, legendary team-and he wants Kagami's help taking down each of his old teammates! Seirin's made it into the Winter Cup! The team decides to take a break at a hot spring in preparation for the tournament. While there, they run into Aomine and are surprised to learn that To-Oh Academy, the very same team that blew them out in the Inter-High qualifiers, will be their first opponent!.


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jazyk anglicky
počet stran 372
rok vydání 2017

Výrobce Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc

EAN: 9781421591117