Sbírka nejzajímavějších a nejlepších výrobků pro děti - hraček, hřišť, dekorací, nábytku, tapet. Originální nápady plné hravých řešení. Inspirující kniha pro rodiče i profesionály. Play All Day documents a collection of the most vibrant, stimulating and engaging design products and concepts for children. This book sets a new standard of design for children with fascinating examples of innovative and well-designed toys, playgrounds and play environments, room decorations, wall coverings, furniture and kindergarten architecture. In addition to these products, it also presents illustration and photography as well as new and original ideas offering playful solutions that talented designers and creative parents are designing for and with their kids. It is an inspiring reference for design-savvy parents and other professionals.


autor robert klanten
jazyk anglicky
počet stran 240
rok vydání 2009
isbn 9783899552362

Výrobce Die Gestalten Verlag

EAN: 9783899552362