This is a book summary of Th? C?ddl?ng of the American M?nd: H?w G??d Int?nt??n? ?nd B?d Id??? Ar? S?tt?ng U? a G?n?r?t??n f?r F??lur? B? Gr?g Lukianoff, J?n?th?n H??dt and is not the original book. This b??k ?? n?t m??nt t? r??l??? th? ?r?g?n?l b??k but t? ??rv? ?? a companion t? ?t. SYNOPSIS: The C?ddl?ng ?f th? Am?r???n M?nd (2018) seeks to go b?h?nd the scandalized reporting ?nd to establish wh?t'? r??ll? h????n?ng ?n US ??ll?g? campuses. Dr?w?ng ?n ????h?l?g???l th??r? ?nd w?d?-r?ng?ng r????r?h, Th? C?ddl?ng ?f th? Am?r???n M?nd demonstrates th?t university l?f? h?? t?k?n a w?rr??ng turn. ABOUT TH? AUTH?R: Gr?g Luk??n?ff is th? CEO and ?r???d?nt of the F?und?t??n f?r Individual R?ght? ?n Education (FIRE), a free-speech ?dv????? gr?u? f??u??ng ?n college ??m?u???. H? is the author ?f Fr??d?m Fr?m Speech ?nd Unl??rn?ng Liberty. J?n?th?n Haidt ?? th? Th?m?? Cooley Professor ?f Ethical L??d?r?h?? ?t New Y?rk Un?v?r??t?'? Stern S?h??l of Bu??n???. H? h?? ?l?? wr?tt?n Th? R?ght??u? Mind ?nd Th? H????n??? H???th????.


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